

Capture Integration sponsors Jeffrey Jacobs Architectural Workshops as part of their Master Series Workshops held in Kalispell, Montana. Capture Integration is a high-end photographic supplier business formed in 2004 in Atlanta with offices in New England and Miami. CI’s president, Dave Gallagher, has an impressive experience of working with leading camera brands and certainly knows the equipment inside out. Dave was supported by Rob Baker and Zac Henderson throughout the workshop.

Capture One also had an impressive array of the best photographic equipment for demonstration including brand names of Cambo, Contax, Eizo, Hasselbad, Induro, Leica, Mamiya Leaf, Phase One, Sinar and Tether Tools.

CI Boot Camp

I also took the opportunity to attend the optional Boot Camp at which I had arranged to try out my Hasselblad H-50 MP digital back fitted on a Sinar arTec technical camera using the super wide 23mm ƒ5.6  Rodenstock Digital HR lens. In order to activate the digital back a wakeup cable is required. Hasselblad have published a useful technical paper on Technical Camera Connectivity that is a useful reference for anyone interested in using a Hasselblad digital back with a technical camera. The arTec is the premiere camera for architectural photography.

Jeffrey Jacobs

Spanning more than 29 years, Jeffrey Jacob’s career has focused exclusively on high-end architecture, architectural product and hospitality/resort photography. From large-scale projects to small intimate spaces, Jacobs’ artfully detailed and masterfully crafted three-dimensional lighting techniques are recognized nationally and internationally.

In this three-day in-depth workshop, internationally acclaimed architectural photographer Jeffrey Jacobs shares extensive details of how he lights and captures the architectural images that have garnered recognition worldwide. This workshop is a mix of hands-on and classroom instruction. Some of the theoretical and background introduction took place in the amazing Bijou Theatre while practical experience took place on the ranch photographing The Birch Lodge.

Jeffrey is both an inspiring photographer and teaches with a passion for architectural that is infectious. He openly and passionately shares his considerable knowledge, approach, philosophy and expertise at the workshop that is invaluable for the attendees. Jeffrey is a unique individual with enormous energy, patience, vision and a genuine appreciation for architecture. Learning and understanding the Jacobs approach to architectural photography and lighting is a worthwhile education for anyone seriously interested in the topic.

It was both refreshing and surprising to learn how much Jeffrey appreciated the work of architects and his passion to celebrate the work with his photography to produce the best possible end result. He reminds us that we are making photographs that tell a story that its creator had in mind and that the success of the architectural photographer requires a deep love for the architecture itself. Jeffrey certainly invests every ounce of his considerable energy into achieving the highest standards in his work.

The Birch Lodge Photo Shoot

One of the shoots of The Birch Lodge began at about 4:00 PM and ended at near freezing temperatures at about 3:00 AM [one image took 11 hours and almost 400 captures] followed by many hours of post-production the following day [Jeffrey is likely to continue working on this image for many months before he is happy with the end product].

Jeffrey also introduced us to the term “circle of death” being a circular zone of about eight feet in diameter with the camera on its tripod at its center – you dare not enter this zone under threat of death!

The Competition

On the final day the attendees broke into two groups to photograph two identical cottages on the ranch, The Edelweiss Chalet and The Alpine Glow Chalet. Photography started at about 4:00 PM and finished at about 10:00 PM followed by many hours of post-production work. What an amazing learning experience. In the end the judges flipped a coin for the winner.

It was a privilege for me to have had the opportunity to attend this workshop and to meet with Jeffrey himself, the CPI team of Dave, Rob and Zac and the other attendees Sherwood, David, Martin, Greg, Tom F., Tom E. and John who often shared their ideas during the intense but very enjoyable sessions.

Avalanche Ranch

The workshop was held at the luxurious Avalanche Ranch, nestled in the foothills of the majestic Swan Mountain Range and located only 45 minutes from Glacier National Park, consists of a 17,000-square foot main lodge and 4 additional alpine-inspired guesthouses is the venue for the workshop.

Architectural Photography WorkshopThe CI Workshop Poster

Capture Integration Photographic Boot Camp

Rob Baker of Capture Integration Outlines The Bootcamp Schedule

Capture Integration Photographic Equipment

Capture Integration Photographic Equipment Display

Sinar arTec test

Testing the Sinar arTec Technical Camera with a Hasselblad H-50 MP digital back tethered to a laptop

Sinar arTec Demo

Brian testing a Sinar arTec technical camera with his Hasselblad H-50 MP digital back using a Kapture Group wake up cable and a Silvestri portable battery

Jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

Jeffrey Jacobs setting his tripod for the Birch Lodge photo shoot

Jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

Jeffrey setting up the Birch Lodge photo shoot under the direction of Tom and Marc

Jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

jeffrey’s van stuffed with his lighting equipment

Jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

The Birch Lodge with lighting being set up

Jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

Need we say more

Alpine Glow Chalet

A scouting shot of the Alpine Glow Chalet across the lake with mountains against the skyline

jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

Team 1 competition entry for Alpine Glow Chalet with Phase One IQ260 and Cambo WRS-1200

swiss chalet

The Scouting Photograph Of The Edelweiss Chalet

jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

Team 2 competition entry for Edelweiss Chalet with Phase One IQ260 and Cambo WRS-1200

Avalanche Ranch

An outdoor sitting area close to the lake with the Avalanche Ranch in the background

Avalanche Ranch

The sitting room in the Avalanche RRanch

Avalanche Ranch

The evenings are downtime with a game of pool and a beer

Avalanche Ranch

The card table at the Avalanche Ranch

Jeffrey Jacobs Workshop

Tom, Jeffrey and Dave at the Avalanche Ranch