

While my website was slick and contemporary, I had received a number of criticisms about its structure. Expression Engine is not an easy web engine for photographers and so after some considerable research, I came to the conclusion that WordPress was the web engine of choice for photographers. I therefore approached Proudfoot Communications Limited to transfer the content and rebuild the website in WordPress.

The basic format has not changed radically – in fact the About Us, Packages, Contact Us and Blog are pretty much the same. However, the main changes are the structure of presenting projects by [i] type of project [ii] location of project, and [iii] architect. The home page is now a slider and I will soon change some of the images posted there.

I am still a little disappointed that web design does not seem to allow complete control over how images appear on different screen sizes and resolutions. The only WEB engine I know of that seems to achieve this is Flash and everyone seems to feel that since Flash is not supported on mobile devices that we should stay away from it. A pity, because every time I identify a web site that I like, they tell me “that’s built in Flash and you should ignore that”. Oh well, I guess someone will eventually fix the image control in Flash to work on mobile devices in the near future, so for the time being my website remains in WordPress.

Let me know how you like the new website and look out for a number of new projects from the Leeward Islands in the near future.



by type



by location



by architect.