

My recent vacation coincided with Open House London that occurs each year in London about the third week of September. Here is what they say:

Open House London, created and delivered by the independent non-profit organisation Open-City, is the capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design. Now in its 22nd year, it is a city-wide celebration of the buildings, places and neighborhoods where we live and work. By providing free and open access to 250,000 across 30 boroughs to more than 800 outstanding examples of historic and contemporary buildings, on-site projects and public spaces, it remains the most powerful medium for engaging everyone in a better appreciation of their city. Open House London, created and delivered by the independent non-profit organisation Open-City, is the capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design. Now in its 22nd year, it is a city-wide celebration of the buildings, places and neighborhoods where we live and work. By providing free and open access to 250,000 across 30 boroughs to more than 800 outstanding examples of historic and contemporary buildings, on-site projects and public spaces, it remains the most powerful medium for engaging everyone in a better appreciation of their city.”

I managed to make contact with Architects Dialogue on line and was able to purchase a very useful map of London’s Contemporary Architecture. I also purchased and recommend the book ‘London’s Contemporary Architecture: An Explorer’s Guide by Ken Allinson and Victoria Thornton published by Routledge and now in its 6th edition. This is an excellent tool for any keen architectural enthusiast in London.


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